Evans Experientialism          Evans Experientialism

The Academy Library

The Athenaeum Library

The Nominalist Library
Heidegger Reading Room

This historic etching was discovered
by the Soviet soldiery in the ruins of
Hitler's  bunker, and was donated to
the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, by
the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg
A  contemporary drawing  of Heidegger's famous and highly original patented:

 Heidegger demonstrated the equipment  in the quadrangle at Freiburg University on the 27th of August 1933. Note: The end of the helmet-pipe and temporal inlet-filter (out of sight in the illustration) is meant to be inserted firmly in the rectum. The 'Ontological Difference' measurement is displayed by a gaseous floating bubble in the sight-tube.
Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe,

Artist Unknown.

'Dasein' is an ontological conversion tool, a clever, well-known, sly old South German, peasant-type philosophical fairground wheeze, (cognitivly redolent of the:'Three-Cup-Swap.')

There's a sucker born every minute especially for the cunning gerundial phrase 'BEING THERE', which substitutes the investigative protagonist (the reader or addressee,)  in the metaphysical fantasy into a modal locum tenens, or a 'word-stunned,' existentialist  jack-o'-lantern, or 'enthused schlemiel' or plain old fall guy.

The Daseinic mechanism is the physical equivalent of the frivolous logical expression:

There exists an X such that it doesn't exist as an X but exists as the existence of X.

'Dasein'  transmogrifies the credulity of the philosophical patsy who is willing to be mesmerised thus into a dupe that subjectively suppresses his or her common sense in order to allow the existential actuality of mankind to be 'investigated' using the methodology of an idiot  engendered, third rate, Third Reich version of the 'Three Stooges in Academia' or the  'Keystone Kops Go to Kollege.'