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The Poetry and Prose of Nicholas Hancock
The Poet of Despair
Published by
The British Hancock Society
with the permission of the author


Nicholas Hancock "I'm still quite a lusty chap, you know," says the old poet and adventurer, as a smile ghosts through the blue of his eyes, causing a barely visible stretching of fine lips, which should have some kissing to do before their flame dies. This is the man who has just published an acclaimed novel about the love of a couple in their 70s, described with a tenderness, which recognises that body parts sag and hang loose, while varicose veins swell into view. "I need only look at my own legs to help me with such passages," says Nicholas Hancock, with a knowing shrug. "But why should you hide what experience has given you?"

Pic by Tracy O'Neill

Nicholas Hancock is one of those few writers who is so uncannily in tune with the reader (any reader) that one has the uneasy feeling that Hancock is not the real author at all - but you are. It is as if by some mysterious metaphysical alchemy the author of Metafizzical Essays and Others* has ransacked your brain of its ideative content, then flown off to his Liverpool roost to commit it to paper.

Nicholas Hancock was born in Sussex in 1933 but spent most of his youth in a Dickensian school owned by his mother in rural Wiltshire. From his 17th to 19th year he was a peón or gaucho in Uruguay. After his National Service, he worked, among other things, on a farm, in a shoulder pad factory and on a seiner on the North Sea before studying at the Sorbonne in 1954-55. In 1989 his novel La Béatification was published in French Canada. In 1990-91 Nicholas cycled extensively in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, being in Petra for the outbreak of the Gulf War and meeting his future wife in a Prague pastry shop. In 1998 Phénix published his French poetry in the collection Choses tristes while in the following year the National Poetry Foundation published some of his English poems in Window for a Monad. His most commercially successful novel: Daniel and Miriam was recently published by Acorn Publications and is available from most bookshops.

*Metafizzical Essays and Others: Available in paperback from Amazon price: £14.50

                                       LIVERPOOL POET, WRITER  AND ADVENTURER - NICHOLAS HANCOCk

Mini Biography of Nicholas Hancock Hancock's Metafizzical Essays
Fine Writings and Other  Phobias The Poetry of Nicholas Hancock
The Short Stories Hancock's Travels
The David Charters Interview Travels of a Donkey

The Athenaeum Library of Philosophy