Evans Experientialism             Evans Experientialism

The Academy Library

The Athenaeum Library

The Nominalist Library
Because  I write exclusively for posterity and not so much for any publication, most of  my writing is from  my  own experience  and written  in  the first person. On the one  hand it means  I'm  not bound  by the usual restricting  commercial constraints, like keeping  a sly weather - eye open  for  a possible publisher

Here's a florilegium - a literary bouquet of 100 florets or flowers - simple little  reminiscences and retrospective thoughts about my family, my friends, my experiences and my opinions about the world looked back upon after a long life. It's a complete mish-mash of pieces dealing with a wide range of subjects some of which go back years, but practically every one of them is accompanied by a photograph to spice it up a bit. The 'Florets' are arranged in sub-menus with bunches of twenty-five pieces of writing accessible from each page. Up to now there are one hundred short essays available, but I plan to keep adding to them as time goes by. A few of them are extracts from letters which I have written over the years - some are diary excerpts.

This freedom also allows me certain latitude in matters of strict political correctness and style. So I have deliberately developed a rather aureate style to amuse myself as much as entertain others.